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It Irritates Me When...

We’d like to take a moment to introduce a new segment here at Celebrity Wasted affectionately called “It Irritates Me When..."

Today’s installment is brought to you by people who are clearly in serious need of anger management based on their parking skills. It’s called a parking space. Emphasis on space. And it irritates me when people violate my space.

Specifically, it irritates me when someone parks so close to my driver’s side door that I have to climb over my passenger seat to get into the driver’s seat. I mean really, who do you think you are? And it really irritates me when I was parked in the space first. Passive aggressive much? In an effort to take control of the situation and my irritation, I’ve been doing extensive research… on Twitter.

Do you have a suggestion or do you have a personal contribution to “It Irritates Me When” – just send an email to and you could be our next feature!

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